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Celebrations and shootings: Let’s change a dangerous tradition

By Tom Chittum Philadelphia has much to celebrate. Of course, there is its resounding Super Bowl win. In a rematch of 2023’s game, the Eagles...

Philly Stories — Tastykake: A Sweet Pastry from Philadelphia

By Charles Wiedenmann In the world of sweet treats, there's one name that resonates with Philadelphians and beyond – Tastykake. Born from the rich culinary...

Philly Stories – Fizz, Fountains & Philly: The Birthplace of Soda Pop

By Charles Wiedenmann Soda pop, the effervescent elixir that tickles our taste buds and quenches our thirst, has a surprisingly bubbly origin story. While its...

Philly Stories – A Nostalgic Journey: Remembering the Former Glory of Philadelphia’s Horn & Hardart

By Charles Wiedenmann In the heart of Philadelphia's history, one name stands out as a symbol of culinary innovation and communal dining – Horn &...

Op-Ed: Pedals over pavement 

By Yia Lu Liu  Imagine riding your bike down the bustling streets of South Philadelphia, dodging potholes, squeezing between parked cars,and praying that the next...

Op-Ed: Congress should pass the Alternatives to PAIN Act

By Lynda Rubin Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, has always been about community — about looking out for one another, especially when times are...

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