An injustice
I met a woman friend of my wife two months ago who is hearing impaired. I was so impressed with her. She is a naturalized citizen who has worked hard to get a college degree along with a master’s degree. When I met her, she was excited about starting a new job with the U.S. government. The job was under the authority of the American with Disabilities Act. She was fully qualified for the job and the interview was successful. She received the job offer, had been fingerprinted and everything was progressing nicely. When she left our home that night, she was looking forward to this next stage in her life. I loved how hopeful she was, and I was happy for her as she worked so hard and was deserving of this opportunity.
A week later she received an email stating that the job offer had been rescinded because of one of Trump’s executive orders. It is one thing to read about these executive orders, but it is another thing to put a human face on it. This injustice continues to bother me. There are so many people fired without cause and so many job offers rescinded by Trump’s policies. What a terribly serious and awful thing it is to take away someone’s hope and it is happening more and more in our country as I am writing this.
Tom Sexton
RFK Jr. the new Eliot Ness
First we had Eliot Ness and his Untouchables going after drug users, drug pushers and heroin dealers.
Then we had the “War on Drugs” under Reagan and “Keep our Children Safe” in Drug-Free Zones near schools.
Now we have a new liberal attitude where it’s all right to have safe houses for drug users and provide them clean syringes for them to shoot their heroin. We went from “The Untouchables” to “The Injectables.”
There was a time when some people were squeamish to have a pointed steel-tip needle piercing deep into a layer of skin on their arms when drawing blood at the doctor’s office.
But now our society is overrun with constant TV ads for every known injectable available from Big Pharma, from the COVID shot to RSV, Pneumococcal and Shingles vaccines, to the now-infamous “a shot to your belly” weight-loss fad conjured up by Big Pharma that promises people to “Lose that Belly Fat.”
So now it’s no longer the “War on Drugs,” it’s “Do the Drugs,” all thanks to Big Pharma advertising their drugs like it’s a highly elaborate MGM musical, making consumers Jonesing for a quick fix so they can sing and dance with glee like the people on the commercials, happy that their A1C is lowered, until the side effects catches up with them later.
So maybe we are fortunate to have RFK Jr. as the Secretary of HHS to safeguard us against the chemicals, preservatives, dyes and the poisons that went unfiltered under Fauci’s watch for the last 40 years as the NIAID boss.
If that’s the case, then RFK Jr. is befitting to be appointed as the new Eliot Ness of our healthcare system, “RFK and The UnInjectables.”
Al Ulus
Bring Brazilian toy store to U.S.
For those who do not remember, in 2018, shortly after the demise of Toys R Us, there were plans to bring back KB Toys, which was once the largest toy store in the United States with more than 460 stores at its peak. Strategic Marks, a company that buys and revives defunct brands, had the intention of resurrecting the chain by opening new stores nationwide. However, this plan tragically failed when funding could not be obtained. Thus, I think I might have a solution that might bring new life to vacant retail stores and create jobs for those who need them. Recently, I started a petition ( to bring Brazil’s largest toy store, Ri Happy, to the United States. As of 2024, the franchise has employed more than 4,000 people throughout Brazil at 196 locations. Just imagine how many jobs they could create in the United States. Some may be skeptical and some may oppose this idea, but I know that this is the right action to take, because when Swedish furniture megastore IKEA expanded to the United States, they created thousands of jobs for those in need, amounting to 219,000 worldwide as of this year. I welcome you all to sign and share my petition.
Dante Medori