Tag: airplane crash

Cockpit voice recorder not working in plane that crashed on Cottman Ave.

The National Transportation Safety Board on Thursday issued a preliminary report on the Jan. 31 airplane crash on Cottman Avenue, near Roosevelt Mall. The Learjet...

Update on plane crash recovery support services

The City of Philadelphia is encouraging residents and businesses to be aware of deadlines approaching for some of the recovery support services that have...

Resource town hall on Wednesday for those impacted by plane crash

State Rep. Jared Solomon has organized a resource town hall for residents affected by the airplane crash on Wednesday, Feb. 19, from 6-8 p.m....

Help those displaced by plane crash

The public is invited to help people impacted by the recent airplane crash during an event on Sunday, Feb. 16, from 9 a.m. to...

Pre-Super Bowl tailgate brings Northeast together after plane crash

Car dealer Gary Barbera and state Rep. Jared Solomon on Sunday organized a pre-Super Bowl tailgate at Roosevelt Mall to bring the Northeast together...

City accepting financial donations for plane crash victims

The city has created a website that enables people to make a financial contribution to victims of the Jan. 31 airplane crash on Cottman...

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