Addressing gun violence prevention
After having phone calls with the offices of state Rep. Sean Dougherty and his chief of staff Viktor Kagan and state Sen. Joe Picozzi and his chief of staff Meghan Schroeder and communications director Sonny Mazzone, it seems that gun violence prevention is an issue that they are willing to address during their time in office.
Dougherty and Picozzi are newly elected in office for Philadelphia. No matter the legislative or senatorial district, it is all equally as important because overall it is all the city of Philadelphia.
Strengthening public safety, keeping Philadelphia safe and the justice system fair are goals that are essential citywide.
Alim Howell
Upper Darby
Ticket aggressive drivers
As a frequent driver at the intersection of Krewstown Road and Grant Avenue, I’m moved to write a letter in support of the pedestrians at that intersection.
One, too many drivers are impatient and try to beat the light knowing the pedestrians have right of way.
Two, too many drivers don’t care if they scare those walkers — many of whom are senior citizens — to death.
Three, the police who frequent the Wawa at that intersection don’t seem to care (or care enough).
The simple solution to this is for the drivers to show some patience.
The more effective one is for half of the police to get out of the Wawa and set up an observation point (my recommendation is Northeast Avenue between Grant and Creswood Road).
Ticket people for aggressive driving before someone is needlessly killed in a hit-and-run.
Mike Gibson
U.S. being destroyed
This is a joke. Back in April Joe Biden tried to close the border but Trump said no. He wanted to save it for ammunition for his run for president. Well it worked. Now he is trying to get rid of all the law enforcement in our country. The FBI, CIA, Department of Justice and our Constitution so he becomes the only law in the land. Now it’s the billionaires so they don’t have to pay taxes like him. I do understand closing the border but he has his ICE police locking up good law-abiding citizens who are married to Americans, work hard, pay taxes and raise good families. Some have even served in our armed forces to protect our country. I wonder how they are different from his immigrant wife and her family. Now he is trying to destroy our stock market, the IRS, the post office and who knows what else. King Donald is doing just what he said he would do. Good luck.
Rus Slawter Sr.