Letters to the Editor


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American Made Month

Since November 2014, we have been asking our supporters to promote the entire month of November as “American Made Month.” It’s another opportunity for us to support the private-sector businesses that manufacture and assemble products that display the Made in the USA label. As you shop at your local stores and on the internet, go out of your way to look for and ask for products with the Made in America label. Businesses interested in expanding their product lines in the United States would help create jobs for American workers, but they need to know the American people will support what they make here in the United States of America.

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As we begin November as “American Made Month,” you are asked to promote our brief schedule of efforts that will help America’s businesses and American workers:

• We have been promoting the first weekend of every month as National Small Business Weekend. Go out of your way to support your local businesses.

• Nov. 11, Veterans Day, is a time to honor veterans and promote jobs for America’s veterans and all American workers.

• During the weekend of Nov. 15-17, promote American-made items by shopping at the places where they are sold with a focus on the items that will make great gifts for the holidays.

• Nov. 28, Thanksgiving Day, a time to give thanks and encourage family and friends to support the Buy American Made Campaign and jobs for American workers.

• Friday, Nov. 29, Black Friday, is a time to focus on American-made everything so American-made businesses benefit from your purchases.

• Nov. 30 is Small Business Saturday, a national event to support America’s small businesses and another opportunity to seek out American-made products.

• Nov. 29-30 are the last days or American Made Month and an opportunity to consider what else can be done to make the balance of the holiday shopping season a success for the businesses manufacturing, assembling, promoting, distributing and selling American-made products.

Thanks for your participation. For more information, visit AmericanMadeMonth.com. Email your suggestions to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


Generous contract

I see that the city has given its white-collar workers (DC 47) a sizable pay increase. I don’t begrudge pay raises in these inflationary times, but I am concerned about other benefits.

Why do employees need another paid holiday? This one is “Black Friday” in November. Are they honoring “shop ’til you drop?”

The city has also now granted eight weeks of paid family leave. You can bet that will be abused. In cold January, sick relatives in Florida will suddenly demand help.

Municipal phones go unanswered now; work doesn’t get done today. We already grant so many unofficial half-days off before almost every holiday, and I’m sick of closed libraries. Are we turning city staff into “part-time workers?”

This is being done to keep city workers in step with the Democrat party. Scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.

The problem is, the average Joe citizen has no seat at the bargaining table. And it is our money they are giving away. And none of it to hire desperately needed police officers.

Richard Iaconelli


Do Dems support destructive policies?

Every time I have questioned why “Demos” vote as they do I always list the hot-button issues such as the border nightmare, trans guys competing against their daughters and granddaughters, low regard for police and revolving-door-for-criminal DAs, which comes from your Demo leaders, and DEI (didn’t earn it). Yet the responses I get are always about other issues, particularly the hammering of Donald Trump and his bizarre behavior, which I never defend. Which clearly leads me to believe either Demos support these destructive Biden/Harris policies or they don’t have the courage to speak out against the party.

I guess you are OK with trans dudes in girls locker rooms and the national disaster of the border (most likely because as long as they don’t land on your lap you are fine with it?). Sounds like Fox Chase’s version of the hypocrites of Martha’s Vineyard. How about some Demo defense of these issues, not the smokescreen support of other stuff that even a lot of “Pubbos” are cool with.

About the border disaster. The clown show in the White House hollered how they didn’t like Trump’s policy, which was working. So on day one they totally opened it and encouraged people to come. Was this their solution to fix it? Ask Chicago, New York and all the border towns. Of course not. Their only concern was to flood America with 15 million future Demo voters who would change the electoral vote their way in perpetuity, succeeding in their goal of making the USA a “one-party rule” nation. This would allow them to further implement their socialist agenda and change America forever. If you haven’t picked up on the socialist vibe from your current ticket you ain’t paying attention.

Have you checked out life in China, Russia, North Korea and Iran of late. “One-party rule” doesn’t sound like a good place to live for 90% of the people. This ain’t gonna go over too well for all Americans, since we seem to have it pretty good. Silly me, but I’m thinking we are all OK with working hard to have that nice home, a couple cars and the endless niceties many have in our daily lives we earned. Do you really think the “Demo ticket” has this in mind? Americans are a very generous people who have always been all in when it comes to helping others. Maybe before you vote you oughta think about what your Demo ticket and ‘ol Bernie really want in America.

Trump, despite being the one who deserves some of the personal scorn he gets, will not let any of this happen. Who is the real threat to democracy? Just keeping it real here, folks — those of you who love our “American way.”

How does the United States of Venezuela sound?

James McCaffrey

Mayfair Proud

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