Letters to the Editor


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Americans want elected leaders to be united

The year 2025 is an opportunity for America’s national elected leaders to be united with all efforts to support American workers and the businesses that employ them. We congratulate President Donald Trump on his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States of America and wish him and his administration success.

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Now is the time for all Democratic and Republican national elected leaders as well as business leaders across America to work together to increase every level of job opportunity for our fellow Americans with a major focus on once again manufacturing everything possible here in the United States of America.

The objective of the Buy American Made Campaign and American Workers Radio is to expand and restore jobs that were a major part of America’s industrial base for over a century.

We have to acknowledge that for over 35 years, many businesses moved out of America to escape rising operational costs, taxes and growing regulations. With Democrats and Republicans working together we will be able to restore no less than 50% of the jobs that left the United States and see more skilled jobs and a better economy for America and its people.

After looking at our networking abilities, there is no reason we can’t restore job stability for American workers from the people who purchase the materials needed to manufacture products and the jobs in packaging, delivery, sales, advertising, management, research and development of new products and additional jobs needed to get American-made products to the marketplace. In the last 35 years, many of these jobs were relocated to foreign countries, however, there is no reason the majority of those jobs should not be based in America again.

Working together working-age and able-bodied Americans will have the job opportunities that will allow them to support themselves and their families. For more information visit the links on AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz

Speed cameras all about the money

Philadelphia’s speed cameras have nothing to do with safety and are an unfair tax on motorists. If the goal is to slow traffic, the road can be re-designed to do that, for instance, by synchronizing traffic lights to a certain speed. Predatory camera enforcement is not for safety. Camera enforcement exists for the tens of millions of dollars generated for government and camera makers  by “GOTCHA” technology.

The vast majority of motorists do not “speed.” They travel at a speed that is safe because they don’t want to have a crash. The very small number of truly dangerous drivers can easily be dealt with by law enforcement without needlessly punishing safe drivers. Taking dangerous drivers’ pictures does not get them off the road. Cameras cannot prevent accidents, cameras can only take pictures.

How do I know that the cameras are only for the money? There are no points against your license for the violation. Speed cameras don’t make the roads safer, they only raise revenue.

Tom McCarey

After-school programs are lifesaving

What a relief to read Mark Zimmaro’s thorough report on the support by state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler for increased state funding for after-school programming (“Fiedler applauds after-school funding,” Jan. 29). These programs are more than keeping young students busy. They are lifesaving. As co-chair of the House Afterschool Caucus, Fiedler has a special interest in promoting environments that are safe and nurturing.

The report details the efforts by BOOST, short for Building Opportunity through Out-of-School Time program, to provide all kinds of activities for at-risk students. Fiedler is joined by other state officers like Lt. Gov. Austin Davis in promoting a variety of programs especially for teenagers who live in risky neighborhood environments.

For example, included in the many state grants reported by Zimmaro is $3 million for the Pennsylvania Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs and the Pennsylvania State Alliance of YMCA.

What is so impressive is the dedication of state officials like Fiedler and Davis to applying state funding to keep at-risk youth safe and thriving. They are truly dedicated not only to enriching the lives of these teens but also keeping them alive and healthy.

As a retired career teacher, I can certainly testify that too many of our city youth live in way-too-dangerous environments. So any move to improve their lives and keep them well and safe is more than admirable. It is heroic.

So bravo to Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, Lt. Gov. Austin Davis and all their supporters for encouraging state funding for after-school programs that enrich and protect our city’s youth.

Gloria C. Endres

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