Letters to the Editor


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Billionaire welfare

The mayor and City Council did not delve into the process of vetting the arena. It was a done deal when Parker signed the papers. From that point forward, she and City Council went through the motions. They ignored every downside in every biased study paid for by the Sixers. While the Sixers were raping the Philadelphia public, the Washington Commanders and owner Josh Harris are trying to do the same to the American taxpayer by getting the federal government to cede land for a new stadium for the football team. Talk about billionaire welfare.

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Richard Donofry

East Torresdale

Make Center City Safe Again

There was a time when everyone could walk the streets of Philadelphia with a feeling of complete safety. Back then it was a real pleasure for women to go shopping in town. Department stores and specialty shops afforded an unimaginable array of goods and items to satisfy the most discriminating shopper. Occasionally, in the evening or on weekends, people would board a trolley or subway to attend a “first-run movie” at a downtown theater or take part in the many activities Center City had to offer. I am certain many of today’s seniors can recount fond memories of those days gone by. Unfortunately, Center City has completely deteriorated and crime is so rampant that businesses have shut their doors forever. People are fearful to stray very far from their familiar neighborhood. Seniors have been warned against answering their door for anyone they don’t recognize. What happened to law and order? Where is the next Frank Rizzo when we need him? It seems the bad guys are in complete control and senior citizens are their most vulnerable targets. I believe it’s time for a complete sweep of Philadelphia government. Let’s Make Philadelphia Safe Again.

Dr. W.J. Quinlan

Fox Chase

America’s graduates are depending on us

Every year millions of talented young men and women graduate from America’s schools and look for job opportunities. Over the last 35 years America’s national leaders saw that industries were moving manufacturing and other services to foreign countries. 

They saw that the well-being of American workers, America’s graduates and the businesses that employed them were being affected in a negative way. Why was there no action to resolve these issues for more than 35 years? Elected leaders did remain focused on raising taxes and expanding regulations on American-based businesses, which accelerated the loss of industries and the jobs needed for American workers.

The loss of manufacturing in America meant that American workers lost millions of jobs not only in manufacturing, but management, ordering supplies and scheduling production, packaging, shipping, sales and service, advertising, as well as research and development of new products, all needed to help bring American made to the stores where we shop.

The Buy American Made Campaign continues to stress the urgency of elected and business leaders, American workers, educators and America’s consumers to work together and take a firm position on restoring industries and jobs in America. We all face distractions throughout the year, but I’m sure we all agree that it’s now time to tune out the negative attitudes and tune in to positive efforts that will restore jobs for American workers, and our present and future graduates, so everyone can support themselves.

For over 35 years we have been walking up a steep hill and it’s time for elected leaders, business leaders, American workers, educators and America’s consumers to openly discuss the goal of helping restore industries in America, because we need to restore America’s economy and the well-being of all Americans.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz


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