Letters to the Editor


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Freebies for illegals

So, Comrade Kamala is going to give a tax break to 100 million Americans if she is elected. The Biden-Harris administration has already imposed a $500 billion tax on the American worker by giving over 20 million illegal entries free food, housing, clothes, health care and a monthly stipend. This is a bill that will only go up. A bill(tax) that your children’s children will be paying. And if Comrade Kamala is elected, the tax burden will increase much, much more. Wake up, America.

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Mark Ritter


Partisan political hit job

I have known and respected Pennsylvania state Sen. Jimmy Dillon for decades, predating his political career. He is a man of honor and integrity. Unfortunately, he is presently being victimized by his political opponent who is falsely accusing him of previously engaging in the writing of racist and homophobic social media posts. That is not who Jimmy Dillon is or how he was raised. This is obviously nothing more than a typical election season smear campaign. The fact that the ugly, alleged posts were publicized and condemned by the PA Senate Republican Campaign Committee proves that this is nothing more than a partisan political hit job on a popular, effective incumbent senator. Teamsters Local 830 and many other local unions in Philadelphia have proudly endorsed Sen. Dillon for re-election. We stand with him and the truth.

Daniel H. Grace


Teamsters Local 830

Trump a proven leader

A few months ago, the Democratic National Committee was desperately searching to replace Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s running mate. They thought she was a do-nothing “Giggling Gertie.” Now, since they persuaded Biden to drop out of the race, they are attempting to present her as a freshly baked loaf of bread in a brand-new wrapper. Folks, don’t be fooled by their slick Madison Avenue marketing strategy. She is the same inexperienced person she was six months ago. Nothing has changed. Just look at how badly she handled the Border Czar assignment. We observed her inefficiency with our own eyes, not only at the border, but for the past four years. What has she accomplished? Do we really want to announce to the world that Kamala is the brightest bulb America has to offer? There is absolutely no way Kamala Harris is qualified to be the Chief Executive Officer of the United States of America.  

Can you imagine Kamala attempting to negotiate a Ukrainian peace settlement with Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia? I can’t. He would laugh her right out of the room. How about her ability to go toe to toe with North Korea President Kim Jong Un. Or, warning China President Xi Jinping to leave Taiwan a free nation. These are serious tasks our next president may have to negotiate. Why not elect the guy who wrote the book on deal making?

Folks, this election is NOT a popularity contest. We are selecting the person best qualified to keep America out of wars, secure our borders, lower taxes and restore our economy to the prosperity we enjoyed before the pandemic. In these troubled times we must elect a well-qualified proven leader. Vote for Donald J. Trump to “Make America Great Again.”

Dr. W.J. Quinlan

Fox Chase

The Dem VP choice

This is an opposing viewpoint to Mr. Farley’s opinion that not picking Gov. Shapiro was due to some type of anti-semitic reasoning.  

Perhaps it was because Josh Shapiro has 28 more months to his term as governor (2 years and 4 months) and possibly (most likely) 76 months (6 years 4 months), has only just begun to show his leadership abilities, and has aspirations of being POTUS himself one day. Therefore, to take a position where he is “second” to someone else would not allow him to showcase his abilities as a leader.  

As an example, Pence, who left being governor to serve as VP, could not muster enough votes (or money) for the 2024 Republican candidacy for president. He had served a full term (almost) as governor of Indiana and was able to run for a second term. It is possible he had not “proven” to us that he had leadership skills. We saw him as only an appendage to his president.  

So, perhaps it was not anti-semitism that Gov. Shapiro was not the choice, but because Gov. Shapiro has larger aspirations than “just” being a vice president; and because the DNC (and VP Harris) were looking at a long-term plan as opposed to a short-term win.  

Theresa Minnick


Enforce border laws

A letter in the Oct. 2 issue lauds the administration for offering to close the border in exchange for the Senate bill that couldn’t pass filibuster. Well, first, the administration doesn’t need any new law, just enforce existing ones. Biden, on day one, signed an executive order stopping deportations. In other words, not enforcing the law.

Second point, the bill was horribly permissive, saying the president MAY [not must] close the border if encounters exceed an average of 5,000/day. That would be a yearly total exceeding Philadelphia’s population on an annual basis. Not even accounting for so-called got-aways, which at least equal that. All of whom are violating U.S. law.

Much better was HR2 that was passed by the House, but Majority Leader Schumer refuses to even bring up for debate in the Senate.

Joseph Jackson


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