Letters to the Editor


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Bigger and better

As a retired teacher and grandmother, I was very curious about the report in last week’s South Philly Review about a generous grant awarded to a unique institution that provides a variety of programs for neighborhood children (“Zhang Sah receives $500K grant” April 24).

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This one-of-a-kind martial arts and learning center in South Philly is mainly a pre-K classroom that provides a child-centered, creative learning environment with a unique martial arts curriculum that fosters cognitive, social and physical development. As the report states, they also offer after-school programs and day camps, as well as classes for youth and adults.

So the staff at Zhang Sah is planning to use this $500,000 to move to a new, larger residence in Queen Village that should expand their offerings to children and adults. Awesome.

We should therefore thank state Sen. Nikil Saval, Rep. Mary Isaacson and Councilman Mark Squilla for enabling this grant from the commonwealth’s Local Share Account Philadelphia program. Well done.

Gloria C. Endres

Look at labels

As all of us involved with the Buy American Made Campaign have seen that helping one another continues to pay off. Today, tens of millions of Americans are directing more of their spending power on items made and assembled in the United States of America.

For a long time, we saw foreign merchandisers expanding their product lines in stores throughout the United States. In the last 10 years we saw more American businesses and merchandisers working to get more American-made items back in circulation in local, regional and national stores.

Business owners tell customers that American-made items are moving off store shelves at a good pace, and they have seen more American-made items offered from their suppliers. The bottom line is every business wants to feature the products their customers are requesting in order to remain in business, make a profit and keep people employed.  

It is very important to take a few extra minutes to look at labels and seek out items made by American workers. It is also important for customers to encourage store owners and workers to seek out additional American-made products from their suppliers. With all of us working together, progress continues to be made.

Since 2012, we have been promoting National Small Business Weekend, the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday of every month. This is another opportunity for each of us to let local businesses know you support them because they add to the well-being of your local community. It is also an opportunity to encourage them to sell more products made and assembled by American workers. Spread the word and invite others to visit NationalSmallBusinessWeekend.com.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email them to Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com.

Michael Blichasz

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