Letters to the Editor


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Harris/Walz = sense, sanity

The Aug. 28 opinion column featured yet another belly-aching Trumper, whining once again about false figures of migrants crossing the border. But who tanked the toughest border security bill in history that might have addressed the actual issues at the border? Trump. And who said she would sign the toughest border security bill into law once in office in a CNN interview? VP Harris.

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Then the whiner complained about how Biden gets “a whopping $413,000 pension for his retirement.” Guess who else gets a pension for his retirement, courtesy of the American taxpayer? Um … could it be the billionaire big baby Trump? All former presidents get benefits totaling about $1 million a year. So the Chumpster has already collected over $3 million that we all paid for. Isn’t that nice. You’re welcome Donald “me, me, me” Trump. Why does a billionaire need a government handout anyway? Maybe Trump should be put through a means test program so we can weed out moochers like him from sucking up taxpayer money. Maybe this bellyacher should explain why the billionaire crybaby should get money that our seniors actually need.

But that wasn’t the end of griping based on complete nonsense. Then this crybaby bellyached about a former conservative Democratic US senator from Nebraska who served back in the ‘90s by the name of Bob Kerrey, because recently Bob wrote an Op-Ed about reforming Social Security. The big whiner claimed that Kerrey wanted to reduce Social Security benefits for seniors, but this falsehood is easily exposed. Kerrey wrote, “I personally would like to see lower-income beneficiaries get more rather than less. Forty percent of them right now, that’s all they’ve got for income, is Social Security.”

Everyone is sick and tired of the outrage and the outrageous lies of Trump and his supporters. Will they ever just shut the hell up already? When will the parade of big babies, wailing endlessly about their made-up problems, actually end? It’s like all they do is moan and whine about problems that don’t exist, or worse, they make up lies about problems that do exist. They tell you how it’s just terrible to live in America. If it’s so terrible here in America, then get the hell out. It’s obvious that Democrats are the patriotic party who believe in America’s promise and future.

If Trump and his supporters lose an election, they blame Jewish space lasers changing votes, but they still want you to vote for Trump because he will prevent World War 3. Huh? Do you really expect me to vote for the guy who thinks magnets stop working when they get wet? What other crazy insane claims will he and his supporters make? Normal people don’t want to hear about this weird nonsense. They just don’t. Normal Philadelphians just want to sit down to share a beer with friends and family, and watch the Phils beat up on another opponent. That’s why I’m voting for sense and sanity this Nov. 5. I’m voting for Harris and Walz.    

Michael A. Podgorski

Fox Chase

Register and vote

The Constitution consists of three different amendments about voting. The 15th, 19th and the 26th all referred to the right to vote. At this point there may be some people who have not even registered to vote. Still others may not like the candidates and decided not to vote. But voting is a constitutional right. If we decide not to vote, possibly, we would be giving in to a socialized country, or even worse a sense of dictatorship. Voting is a right we need to put into place. Election Day is around the corner. Get out and vote.

Marie Patton

Fox Chase

248th and final year

In his letter “Dems embrace illegals” in the Oct. 2 issue, James McCaffrey wrote, referring to illegal immigrants, “That’s 15 million Demo voters who would tip elections their way … “

Doesn’t Mr. McCaffrey know that illegal immigrants, by law, cannot vote in any state? It would be better if he knew what he was talking about before making a statement like that.

The rest of his letter is even more ridiculous. If he has his way, I fear we’ll no longer keep our republic, as Benjamin Franklin warned. Well, at least we *almost* made it to 250 years.

Saul Broudy

Fox Chase

Fortunate son

Has anyone asked how Hunter Biden gets $2 million and doesn’t pay taxes on it, when he hasn’t worked a day in his life, other than riding around in Air Force One with the “Big Guy?” Oh, maybe Joe gave him the money, one might ask. Then you got to ask where did Joe get $2 million? According to Wikipedia, “Hunter Biden is an attorney and a businessman,” but he rarely had a stint as a lawyer. But somehow, Hunter collected about $11 million for just sitting as a “ghost” board member of Burisma, a position he got through the influence peddling of then-Vice President Joe, a position that required no work experience whatsoever, only to receive a steady flow of money for doing nothing. That’s not a salary, it’s a payola. According to Wikipedia, Al Capone was “a gangster and a businessman,” a position that requires no work experience as well. Al Capone amassed a fortune in bootlegging and racketeering, and was finally taken down by the U.S. government on tax evasion. In contrast, Hunter amassed a fortune in wheeling and dealing but gets a sweetheart deal from our same U.S. government for not paying his taxes. Go figure. And so far with what was revealed on Hunter’s laptop abandoned in a repair shop, Hunter was enjoying a gangster lifestyle of his own spending that money on drugs, getting high and various sexual liaisons, but in the meantime, Hunter liar fronts a sob story that he can’t afford child support for Navy Biden. Wow, what a life for the son of a president. No worries of working a real job. So you got to ask yourself, is Hunter a legit worker like you or I, who go to work each day to earn a living, or a sponge riding on Daddy Joe’s coattails, buying illicit drugs, drugs that are not your normal meds used for depression. And to those who are still skeptical to the cheating Bidens, the proof is in the pudding, and in this case, it’s in Hunter’s laptop. With the upcoming subpoenas of Hunter and James Biden, Comer has found proof of the money trail of the Bidens, and then the truth will be known to the American people.

Al Ulus


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