
Letters to the Editor

Double talk The mayor and City Council talk out of both sides of their mouths when they discuss affordable housing. They banter all kinds of ideas on the subject. Yet...

Letters to the Editor

Americans are more selective As the American people see more advertisements in the media promoting the Made in the...

Op-Ed: Black History Month can show us how to shape the future

By Dr. K.L. Allen This February, as for many years past, Americans will mark Black History Month by celebrating...

Letters to the Editor

Specialized care needed for heart defects You probably have heard that February is Heart Month – but did you...

Letters to the Editor

Americans want elected leaders to be united The year 2025 is an opportunity for America’s national elected leaders to...

Letters to the Editor

Arena deal good for South Philly, Market East Many thanks to reporter Mark Zimmaro for his detailed report on the proposed new sports arena coming...

Letters to the Editor

America is burning My daughter in Florida called and said our cars were being broken into. In fact all the cars in my neighborhood were....

Letters to the Editor

Earn your fat paycheck Pennsylvania's new 2025-2026 legislative session needs to get things done. In the previous legislative session, only 239 of the 3,841 bills...

Letters to the Editor

Americans are united for change Because so many Americans are united for change it has helped the Buy American Made Campaign message make a strong...

Letters to the Editor

Enjoy fine art As a lover of fine art, it was such a pleasure to read the report by Mark Zimmaro on the partial rescue...

Letters to the Editor

Thank officers for risking their lives Since the first police department was formed in 1845, thousands of men and women have taken the oath to...

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