City Councilman Brian O’Neill and Department of Parks and Commissioner Susan Slawson recently cut a ribbon to celebrate improvements made to the playground areas at Fox Chase Recreation Center.
The $2.5 million project was completed in phases over the last 18 months. It includes milling, overlay and color coating of the tennis, hockey and basketball courts. Specifically, the tennis courts are now blue and green, designed that way to resemble the courts at the U.S. Open.
“The colors are amazing,” Slawson said.
Additionally, a hockey court no longer in use was converted into a multi-sport court for pickleball and futsal.
The existing driveway was removed, and a new driveway was installed. The relocation of the driveway allowed for a new, expanded play area. In addition to the new play area, a new spray ground was installed.
The site was beautified with new landscaping, and security cameras were included in the project.
The playground has separate areas for 2- to 5-year-olds and 5- to 12-year-olds. There are swings, sliding boards, climbing structures, a carousel, a teeter-totter, benches, tables and a checkers board.
“This is state-of-the-art equipment,” O’Neill said, adding that he is open to more suggestions from young people and recreation leaders.
O’Neill and Slawson were joined by the Rev. Phong Le, of St. Cecilia Parish; Steve Phillips, president of Fox Chase Town Watch,; and Ken Warner, a longtime Fox-Rok Athletic Association volunteer.
The councilman thanked Phillips and the Town Watch for being the eyes and ears of the community and Warner for 36 years of service.
O’Neill thanked staff members Bobby Yerkov for being his point person on capital projects and Henry Shain for his knowledge of playgrounds and youth sports clubs in the Council district.
O’Neill also recognized state Rep.-elect Sean Dougherty and his opponent, Aizaz Gill, president of the Burholme Civic Association.
Slawson and O’Neill thanked various people involved with Parks and Recreation and the Capital Program Office, including Jerry Boligitz, John Keiser and Jenn Cole, the Fox Chase rec leader, all of whom attended the ribbon cutting.
“We’re so happy we have her in Fox Chase,” O’Neill said of Cole.
Slawson said O’Neill deserves credit for making sure the recreation centers in the 10th Councilmanic District are cleaned and maintained. ••