Aloysius Butler & Clark, an independent full-service marketing communications agency with offices in Center City, Wilmington and Bloomsburg, erected a “816-323-GO KC—call for a pep rally in your pocket” digital billboard next to Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. Since Tuesday, the billboard captured the attention of commuters traveling on I-435. People who dialed the number were greeted with a rousing version of the “Fly, Eagles, Fly!” fight song.
In addition to securing and designing the board, the agency included a charitable feature. For every call received via the 816-323-GO KC line, AB&C made donations to the Eagles Autism Foundation and Kansas City’s Hunt Family Foundation.
The campaign was a success.
On Sunday, the firm replaced its “trolling billboard” next to Arrowhead Stadium with one thanking Kansas City residents for joining in the fun and ensuring the agency made its maximum intended donation to two charities. AB&C has placed a similar board near Lincoln Financial Field, thanking Philadelphians.
In response to the original campaign going viral and prompting AB&C to donate $2,500 each to the Eagles Autism Foundation and Kansas City’s Hunt Family Foundation, the agency replaced the 816-323-GO KC billboard with a new message: “Hey, KC, Thanks for Answering the Call. Donations made to Hunt Family Foundation and Eagles Autism Foundation.” The corresponding “Thanks, Philly” board went live this weekend as well.
“The response has been overwhelming and amazing to watch,” said Steve Merino, AB&C’s chief creative officer. “Whether people were taking part because of their spirit of competition, out of curiosity or to support the cause, we achieved what we set out to do. Both cities win. Now we just want to say thanks.” ••