Pickleball coming to Bustleton


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The Greater Bustleton Civic League last week voted 39-1 to support indoor pickleball courts at 225-273 Geiger Road.

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Attorney Shawn Ward, representing the owner, made the presentation on Zoom while vacationing in Key West, Florida.

There will be 10 indoor pickleball courts, some located in an existing warehouse and others in an addition. The site will also include two locker rooms, a pro shop, vending machines and a space for pickleball-related parties.

The property has 55 parking spaces.

Hours will be weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

There will be a Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting on Dec. 11.

In other news from the Nov. 19 meeting:

• Capt. Steven O’Brien and community relations officer Al Fiorentino represented the 7th Police District.

O’Brien spoke of two robberies with guns. In one incident, on the 8200 block of Summerdale Ave., the gunman stole the victim’s money, keys and BMW. In the other, a mailman was robbed on the 15000 block of Wayside Road. The suspect, a black male wearing a black ski mask, stole the victim’s keys to mailboxes.

O’Brien said there were residential burglaries on the 1700 block of Arthur St., the 15000 block of Dahlia Drive, the 2600 block of Bluebell Court and the 10000 block of Bustleton Ave.

Among 22 recent thefts from autos, 12 of the vehicles were unlocked.

Fiorentino encouraged people to report nuisance vehicles or illegally parked trucks and tractor trailers to the Philadelphia Parking Authority Enforcement Unit at 215-683-9620. Fiorentino can be reached at Alfred.Fiorentino@phila.gov.

• Aizaz Gill, the Republican candidate in the 172nd Legislative District, thanked people for their support in his campaign. Gill, who lost narrowly to Democrat Sean Dougherty, fared best in Bustleton, Pine Valley and Sun Valley. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that,” he said. Gill noted that turnout was 74 percent in the 58th Ward and 78 percent in the 63rd Ward.

• American Heritage Credit Union invites the community to help collect 20,000 pounds of food in its 11th annual Spirit of Giving Food Drive. All nonperishable food donations will be distributed to food pantries and food banks throughout the region. Donations will be collected through Nov. 30 at all 35 American Heritage branch locations.

• American Heritage Credit Union, 2060 Red Lion Road, invites the public to its 17th annual Grand Illumination on Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. The event includes the lighting of two 40-foot Christmas trees, hundreds of wreaths, more than 400,000 lights, seasonal music, performances by the Philadelphia Boys Choir and The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, appearances by Ben Franklin and Betsy Ross and fireworks. Attendees are encouraged to bring a canned food item to help American Heritage reach its goal of 20,000 pounds for its annual holiday food drive.

• Bustleton American Legion Post 810, 9151 Old Newtown Road, will be hosting a family Christmas party on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be lunch, a magician and gifts for kids. RSVP at 215-815-3462. 

• The 7th Police District Advisory Council will present a free small business disaster preparedness workshop on Thursday, Jan. 23, at American Heritage Credit Union. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by the workshop at 7. The workshop is co-sponsored by the city Office of Emergency Management. To register, visit 7thpdac.com and click on Workshops.

• Greater Bustleton Civic League will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 7 p.m. at American Heritage Credit Union. ••

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