Take Back Your Neighborhood last week listened to a presentation by Shelvia Williams, community engagement officer for the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation.
Williams spoke and distributed materials about PHDC’s Philly First Home Program, Rental Improvement Fund, Turn the Key initiative, Adaptive Modifications Program, Basic Systems Repair Program, Philadelphia Neighborhood Home Preservation Loan Program, Eviction Diversion Program and Minority Development Program.
For details on those programs, call 215-448-2160 or visit phdcphila.org.
In other news from the March 17 meeting:
• Mark Mroz, community relations officer in the 2nd Police District, said retail theft, residential burglaries and shootings are down in the district from last year. On the rise are commercial burglaries, stolen autos and thefts from autos.
Mroz said some guns reported stolen from autos have come from patrons of Chuck’s Alibi.
The officer said there has been an increase in car stops and arrests for retail theft.
Among the stores experiencing the highest theft rates are Rite Aid, Target, Wawa and Family Dollar.
In one recent incident, a woman being arrested in a domestic case on the 1500 block of Magee Ave. was also charged with assaulting the arresting officers.
Mroz recommended drivers with a push-button start option buy a faraday bag, which retails at about $12. The bags are made with materials that, among other things, help prevent car thefts by blocking the signal from your key fob so that thieves can’t pick it up. Car owners place their keys in the bags at home so thieves cannot use the push-button start option to steal the vehicle.
Mroz mentioned, for the benefit of those not at the February meeting, that the new district commander is Capt. Andrew DiSanto. Former Capt. Scott DiDonato was sent to night command.
• Tacony Library, 6742 Torresdale Ave., will host a job and career fair on Tuesday, April 15, from 4-6 p.m. Area employers and educational institutions will be among the organizations in attendance. Call 215-685-8755.
• Take Back Your Neighborhood will meet on Monday, April 21, at 6:30 p.m. at Max Myers Recreation Center, 1601 Hellerman St. The guest will be Pat Dugan, a Democratic candidate for district attorney. ••