Five boys from Troop 290 recently received their Eagle Scout rank.
Attending the event were state Rep. Sean Dougherty, state Sen. Joe Picozzi, City Controller Christy Brady and Linda Gaynor, an aide to City Councilman Brian O’Neill.
The new Eagle Scouts are:
• Daniel Brady, son of Christy Brady. His Eagle project took place at St. Cecilia Parish. He planted trees along the fence beside the rectory and remodeled the area of the Mary shrine by the convent by building and installing a trellis and bench for people to pray and expanding the flower bed with new plantings. He graduated from St. Joseph’s Preparatory School and is attending Penn State University Schreyer Honors College, studying Mathematics.
• Vyom Kankeshwar. He installed platforms for the Stations of the Cross at Cranaleith Spiritual Center for the worshipers to stand on, added mulch in the surrounding area to control the weeds and make the area less muddy and placed Belgian blocks around the perimeter to make a border for the mulch. He graduated from MaST Community Charter School and is attending Penn State.
• Timothy McFadden. He planned and constructed a fenced pen (116 feet by 150 feet) at the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer Mother House in Huntingdon Valley for the Sisters’ goats and chickens to run free range and to provide space to relocate the animals to new grazing areas when they are not in the barn. He graduated from Franklin Towne Charter High School and is attending Community College of Philadelphia.
• Zachary Brown. He built a Buddy Bench in the playground of the Piece of the Puzzle in Levittown, where students can sit if they feel they need a buddy, and built a book swap library box for the students to trade books. He asked friends and the Scouts to collect children’s books for the library, and he read books to the students at the Piece of the Puzzle. He graduated from Philadelphia Academy Charter High School and works at the school as an intern and a teachers’ assistant.
• James McFadden (brother of Timothy). He moved existing picnic tables at Franklin Towne Charter High School to new locations around the school property and constructed 10 new tables for the students to meet, have lunch and socialize in a safe area. He is a senior at Franklin Towne. ••