Quaker City String Band, 2025 Mummers Parade co-championFralinger String BandJoe Fox, Councilman Jim Harrity, Council President Kenyatta Johnson, Controller Christy Brady, state Supreme Court Justice Kevin Dougherty, Rep. Sean Dougherty, Bill Heeney.South Philadelphia String Band, 2025 Mummers Parade co-championAvalon String BandPete Smith with Brian Monaghan and Pete Hand, both members of the Ring of HonorPat and Nancy Boyle, marching with Ancient Order of Hibernians Officer Daniel Boyle Division 88Councilman Jim Harrity and district attorney candidate Pat Dugan with the Southwest Philly Breezeway GirlsGeno Barbera, Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel, Gary Barbera, Police Officer Chris FrazierMayor Cherelle Parker, Pete SmithPhiladelphia Pipes and Drums, with Sen. Joe PicozziLorran the green dogSt. Katharine of Siena Irish Dancers
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade took place on Sunday, beginning at 16th Street and JFK Boulevard and heading west on the Ben Franklin Parkway to the art museum.
The theme was St. Patrick, Bless Those Dedicated to Serving Others.
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Before the parade, Archbishop Nelson Perez celebrated a Mass at St. Patrick Church.
The parade will be rebroadcast on Monday, from 9 a.m. to noon, on Channel 3. ••